Primary Beginning Interest History
Our Curriculum
Our primary history curriculum develops students' understanding of historical events and their timelines alongside the effects of the past on the present. Students will acquire a chronological understanding and be able to recognise the key achievements of the earliest civilisations. Our curriculum focuses on developing students' understanding of continuity and change and the methods of historical enquiry, including evidence-based claims.
Our curriculum enables students to enhance their understanding of cultural, social, and moral development as they reflect on the build-up to key events and the effects afterwards on societies, economies, and environments.
KS1 - Year 1 & Year 2 Topics
KS2 - Year 3 to Year 6 Topics
Significant People and Explorers
The Great Fire of London
Past, Present, and Future
Changes to Daily Life
Toys - Victorian Toys, Toys Today, Important Changes
Travel and Transport
History of Flight
The Viking Longboats
History of Cars
Communication Changes - Comparison
And more...
The Shang Dynasty
How The Shang Dynasty Began
Who Fu Hao Was
How an Empire Can Collapse
Ancient Greece
The Golden Age
Ancient Greek Philosophers
Peloponnesian Wars
Medieval Monarchs
Rightful Heirs
And more...